Roberto C. Sánchez <> wrote on 11/11/2021 at 13:56:24+0100:
> If we as a project allow some to make changes without considering the
> concerns of those affected by the changes, we are not being faithful
> to our own principles.

That's true, but it doesn't look like it's what's being done here.

Felix proposed something, and it's being debated. In particular it seems
most agree that a GR is not an appropriate idea, but rather let
FTPMaster Team and the DPL convey and find a path if it's relevant.

Apart from that, we were many to raise the opinion that removing the
"master" term out of "it reminds slavery" motive was not something we
thought sane.

IOW, it seems, to me, that the project does quite efficiently what is
expected on these grounds. Opinions are expressed and the discussion
goes on.

Mind, it's not even close to a flame, so it's actually quite nice!

With best regards,


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