Bill Allombert <> writes:
> On Sat, Nov 20, 2021 at 10:04:07AM -0800, Russ Allbery wrote:

>> I propose the following General Resolution, which will require a 3:1
>> majority, and am seeking sponsors.

> Could you provide this as a patches series or similar ?

> I tried to read it several time and each time I felt I was missing the
> context, that fundamentally I did not understand what the result would
> be.

The implementation of my GR as webwml is now available on the branch
gr-2021-003 on rra/webwml on Salsa.  Here is the file itself:

If you download and rename that file to have a .html extension, w3m or
other HTML renderers seem to do a decent job.

Here is a Salsa diff with the current version of the constitution:

You can also clone the repository with:

    git clone

and then compare the master branch with the gr-2021-003 branch via
whatever mechanism you prefer (such as git diff --color-words).

I've also sent a PR to Wouter's repository to update the constitution-russ
branch with the same changes, and will be sending a PR to merge those
changes (where relevant) into his branch if he wants.

(Please let me know if anyone sees any inconsistencies between this and
what I formally proposed.)

Russ Allbery (              <>

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