Marc Haber <> writes:

> The one we just had was tl;dr to me. The people pushing it gave me zero
> motivation to read it, I spent my spare time on my packages.

As the person proposing this GR, I think that's a perfectly reasonable
stance to take, and to be quite honest one of my goals was to *not* give
people a (negative) motivation to feel like they have to be involved.  My
explicit goal (with one exception mentioned below) was to address various
process bugs in a straightforward way consistent with how we've been
informally behaving anyway.  My hope was that the result would be quite
boring, and unless you're directly involved in a GR, hopefully no one will

The exception is the change to the maximum discussion length, as
previously discussed, which is a real, substantive change.  However, not
everyone is going to have a strong feeling about that one way or the

I for one will be watching closely to see if the new maximum discussion
length causes problems in practice, since I understand the basis for
Wouter's concern, and if it seems like it's causing significant issues,
consider proposing another GR to fix it.  But we'll need to go through a
few GRs first to see how it goes.

Russ Allbery (              <>

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