On Wednesday, February 23, 2022 6:22:00 PM EST Sam Hartman wrote:
> >>>>> "Judit" == Judit Foglszinger <ur...@riseup.net> writes:
>     Judit> Give the opportunity to vote for secret voting without
>     Judit> needing to additionally vote for unrelated/only slightly
>     Judit> related constitution changes; for example for the change of
>     Judit> mode of voting from email to something not defined.
> Even if you don't want to move toward some different voting system, do
> we really want to require a constitutional amendment if say the
> secretary wanted to move voting to a salsa-authenticated website to make
> it easier and more accessible to our members?
> Back when the constitution was passed, email was so obvious for this
> sort of thing that it wasn't a real limitation.
> Today, I think there are all sorts of reasons we might  prefer a
> different way to interact with the voting system, and  I don't want to
> need to change the constitution every time we want to make such a
> change.

So far the rate of change in voting systems leads me to believe this is a 
quite manageable burden.  And no, I don't think switching to some web based 
system would be an improvement.

Scott K

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