>>>>> "Thorsten" == Thorsten Glaser <t...@debian.org> writes:

    >> At the same time it relaxes the requirement that the secretary
    >> must conduct a vote via email.  There are no current plans to
    >> move away from

    Thorsten> This is a very bad idea.

Several of the issues you brig up are legitimate trade offs, and while
we probably 
see them differently, let's let the voters decide rather than get into a
large debate.

I have to take exception with one point you bring up.

    Thorsten> Alternative solutions may • have accessibility problems
    Thorsten> (not work with lynx, for example

Working with Lynx is not a requirement for accessibility.
Obviously accessibility depends on what your requirements are.
The needs of someone who is blind are different than than for someone
who has mobility issues for example.

I stopped using Lynx many many years ago.  Originally it was because
some sites just weren't usable in Lynx and I wanted to use them.
At that point there were already other browsers that were available to
users running a screen reader that worked with these sites.
Free software accessibility was  limited to Lynx for a while, although
edbrowse  did have its moment as the best thing available.
Ah, Amazon on edbrowse!:-)

These days though,  modern browsers actually have better
technology for navigating a web page accessibly than Lynx does.

I regularly use and develop using both Chromium and Firefox.

There are people who want to continue using Lynx.  Some of them even
because they want to use a console screen reader.  That's fine, but it
is not directly an accessibility issue.  In some cases it is because
people have financial constraints that may also be related to their
disability, and as a result they want to get the most out of the
computer they have.  And yes, that's accessibility related, but it is
misleading to simply say doesn't work with Lynx == accessibility

Please, especially if you don't use accessible interfaces on a
regular basis please don't spread the myth that Lynx == accessibility.

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