Hash: SHA512

> - - -=-=-=-=-=- Don't Delete Anything Between These Lines =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
> 6acf7f89-3eb2-492c-8715-98ae65b5f9d2
> [4] Choice 1: Hide identities of Developers casting a particular vote
> [1] Choice 2: Hide identities of Developers casting a particular vote and 
> allow verification
> [3] Choice 3: Reaffirm public voting
> [2] Choice 4: None of the above
> - - -=-=-=-=-=- Don't Delete Anything Between These Lines =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Choice 1: Hide identities of Developers casting a particular vote
> =================================================================
> Rationale
> =========
> During the vote for GR_2021_002, several developers said they were
> uncomfortable voting because under the process at that time, their name
> and ballot ranking would be public.
> A number of participants in the discussion believe that we would get
> election results that more accurately reflect the will of the developers
> if we do not make the name associated with a particular vote on the
> tally sheet public.
> Several people believed that the ranked votes without names attached
> would still be valuable public information.
> This proposal would treat all elections like DPL elections.
> At the same time it relaxes the requirement that the secretary must
> conduct a vote via email.  If the requirement for email voting is
> removed, then an experiment is planned at least with the belenios voting
> system [1]. belenios may provide better voter secrecy and an easier
> web-based voting system than our current email approach.
> If this proposal passes, adopting such an alternative
> would require sufficient support in the project but would not require
> another constitutional amendment.
>     [1]: https://lists.debian.org/yhotrixtz3aip...@roeckx.be
> This proposal increases our reliance on the secretary's existing power
> to decide how votes are conducted.  The lack of an override mechanism
> for secretary decisions about how we conduct votes has not been a
> problem so far.  However, if we are going to rely on this power to
> consider questions like whether the project has sufficient consensus to
> adopt an alternate voting mechanism, we need an override mechanism.
> So, this proposal introduces such a mechanism.
> Summary of Changes
> ==================
>     1) Do not make the identity of a voter casting a particular vote
>     public.
>     2) Do not require that votes be conducted by email.
>     3) Clarify that the developers can replace the secretary at any time.
>     4) Provide a procedure for overriding the decision of the project
>     secretary or their delegate.  Overriding the decision of what super
>     majority is required or overriding the determination of election
>     outcome requires a 3:1 majority.  The chair of the technical committee
>     decides who conducts such votes.
>     6) Codify that our election system must permit independent verification
>     of the outcome given the votes cast and must permit developers to
>     confirm their vote is included in the votes cast.
> General Resolution
> ==================
> The developers resolve to make the changes to the Debian Constitution
> embodied in git commit ed88a1e3c1fc367ee89620a73047d84a797c9a1d.
> As of February 23, 2022, this commit can be found at
> https://salsa.debian.org/hartmans/webwml/-/commit/ed88a1e3c1fc367ee89620a73047d84a797c9a1d
> For convenience a word-diff of the changes is included below.  In case
> the diff differs from the commit, the commit governs.
> @@ -179,9 +179,27 @@ earlier can overrule everyone listed later.</cite></p>
>   </li>
>   <li>
>     [-<p>In case of-]{+<p>Appoint+} a [-disagreement between-]{+new secretary.
> In the normal case ( &sect;7.2) where+} the project
>     leader and {+secretary agree on+} the [-incumbent-]{+next+} secretary,
> [-appoint a new secretary.</p>-]{+this power of+}
> {+    the developers is not used.</p>+}
>   </li>
>   {+<li>+}
> {+    <p>Override a decision of the project secretary or their+}
> {+    delegate.</p>+}
> {+    <p>Overriding the determination of what super majority is required+}
> {+    for a particular ballot option or overriding the determination of+}
> {+    the outcome of an election requires the developers to agree by a+}
> {+    3:1 majority.  The determination of the majority required to+}
> {+    override a decision of the secretary is not subject to+}
> {+    override.</p>+}
> {+    <p>The chair of the technical committee decides who acts as+}
> {+    secretary for a general resolution to override a decision of the+}
> {+    project secretary or their delegate. If the decision was not made+}
> {+    by the chair of the technical committee, the committee chair may+}
> {+    themselves act as secretary. The decision of who acts as secretary+}
> {+    for such a general resolution is not subject to override.</p>+}
> </ol>
> <h3>4.2. Procedure</h3>
> @@ -228,9 +246,10 @@ earlier can overrule everyone listed later.</cite></p>
>     <p>
>        Votes are taken by the Project Secretary. Votes, tallies, and
>        results are not revealed during the voting period; after the
>        vote the Project Secretary lists all the votes {+cast in sufficient
> detail that anyone may verify the outcome of the election from the votes cast.
> The+}
> {+       identity of a developer casting a particular vote is not made+}
> {+       public, but developers will be given an option to confirm their vote
> is included in the votes+} cast. The voting period is 2 weeks, but may be
> varied by up
>        to 1 week by the Project Leader.
>     </p>
>   </li>
> @@ -247,7 +266,7 @@ earlier can overrule everyone listed later.</cite></p>
>   </li>
>   <li>
>     <p>Votes are cast[-by email-] in a manner suitable to the Secretary.
>     The Secretary determines for each poll whether voters can change
>     their votes.</p>
>   </li>
> @@ -371,8 +390,7 @@ earlier can overrule everyone listed later.</cite></p>
>   necessary.</li>
>   <li>The next two weeks are the polling period during which
>   Developers may cast their votes. [-Votes in leadership elections are-]
> [-  kept secret, even after the election is finished.</li>-]{+</li>+}
>   <li>The options on the ballot will be those candidates who have
>   nominated themselves and have not yet withdrawn, plus None Of The
> Choice 2: Hide identities of Developers casting a particular vote and allow 
> verification
> ========================================================================================
> Rationale
> =========
> Give the opportunity to vote for secret voting without needing to
> additionally vote for unrelated/only slightly related
> constitution changes;
> for example for the change of mode of voting
> from email to something not defined.
> As it was mentioned in the discussion,
> there might be no consensus on which options are direcly related -
> This option regards the need to allow verification (6))
> as directly related to secret votes, because otherwise
> they would become completely unverifiable.
> Summary of Changes
> ==================
> 1) Do not make the identity of a voter casting a particular vote
>    public.
> 6) Codify that our election system must permit independent verification
>    of the outcome given the votes cast and must permit developers to
>    confirm their vote is included in the votes cast.
> <h3>4.2. Procedure</h3>
> @@ -228,9 +246,10 @@ earlier can overrule everyone listed later.</cite></p>
>     <p>
>        Votes are taken by the Project Secretary. Votes, tallies, and
>        results are not revealed during the voting period; after the
>        vote the Project Secretary lists all the votes {+cast in sufficient 
> detail that anyone may verify the outcome of the election from the votes 
> cast. The+}
> {+       identity of a developer casting a particular vote is not made+}
> {+       public, but developers will be given an option to confirm that their 
> vote is included in the votes+} cast.
> @@ -371,8 +390,7 @@ earlier can overrule everyone listed later.</cite></p>
>   necessary.</li>
>   <li>The next two weeks are the polling period during which
>   Developers may cast their votes. [-Votes in leadership elections are-]
> [-  kept secret, even after the election is finished.</li>-]{+</li>+}
> Choice 3: Reaffirm public voting
> ================================
> Since we can either have secret and intransparent voting, or we can have
> open and transparent voting, the project resolves to leave our voting
> system as it is.
> Rationale:
> The GR proposal for secret voting is silent on implenentation details,
> probably because secret and transparent voting is, well, impossible to
> achieve fully, so this GR is bound to a similar fate as the 'publish
> debian-private' vote, which was voted for and then was never implemented.
> A voting system which is transparent only to some, is undemocratic and
> will lead to few people in the know, which is diagonal to Debians goals
> of openness and transparency.
> And then, early 2022 is not the time for rushed changes like this, which
> is also why I explicitly want to see "keep the status quo" on the ballot,
> and not only as "NOTA", but as a real option.
> Choice 4: None of the above
> ===========================
> This is the default option. Rank this option higher than the unacceptable
> choices.
> The responses to a valid vote shall be signed by the vote key created
> for this vote. The public key for the vote, signed by the Project
> secretary, is appended below.
> mQINBGIs0tMBEACuLjJ6zBlCT9+nvzQdhZuuxg9ECSYZu8z0ZJ3RnqMkpw+45Riv
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> rBx9Eic2hgSnl4hB+jxtJJ0=
> =anKA


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