Hi Charles,

On Wed, Mar 16, 2022 at 5:28 AM Charles Plessy <ple...@debian.org> wrote:
> What do you think of the reform of the Technical Committee that
> introduced a limit to the time people can serve in, and would you
> consider applying a similar policy to other positions of power in
> Debian?

I am a big fan of term limits. In many Western societies, especially
in the US, some politicians will not retire. Their Baby Boomer
constituencies are strong, and the needs of younger generations are
not represented. Housing prices are an example.

When people remain in power for too long, they also become tone-deaf.
They forget those whom they serve. On a societal level, stagnation
follows. There are no new ideas, and the group loses its brilliance.
Often, the young move away.

The political consequences are grave. Younger candidates struggle to
compete with long track records of incumbents. Most disastrously for
the group, the pool of possible replacements dwindles.

It takes a village to fix it. Here is my plan:

I hope to find enough volunteers to help the project leader evaluate
future delegations. An Appointments Committee—with at least five but
no more than twelve members—would collect broad and public input. If
enough folks are willing to serve, our number of delegates would swell
and still leave us with extra candidates.

A future referendum could then introduce term limits for delegates,
but first we need a deeper pool of replacements ready to serve.

Thank you for asking that valuable question!

Kind regards,
Felix Lechner

P.S. Everyone, please join #meetfelix on OFTC. I hope to get to know you better!

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