Hi Lucas,

On Thu, Mar 17, 2022 at 12:52 PM Lucas Nussbaum <lu...@debian.org> wrote:
> Interesting. What would be the composition, roles, duties of that
> Strategy Council ?

Like all committees and boards I envision, the Strategy Council should
have at least five but no more than twelve members. I personally like
nine, if you can get that many volunteers.

The council should set out to devise and keep updated solutions to all
problems that (1) require more than three years of planning; (2) will
not arise for another three years but some time thereafter; or (3) are
otherwise critical for Debian's survival as a project.

The council is encouraged to modify that list.

Given your past service as project leader, I would be honored to
appoint you as the first member (pending confirmation by the
Appointments Committee).

At the initial meeting, the council would elect a Chair and a Vice
Chair, and also decide on its procedures. For example, you could form
a subcommittee to develop bylaws, which could be as simple as:

1. The council has five seats, each to be held by an appointed member.
2. No action shall be taken nor any discussion take place unless at
least half the seats are filled.
3. We will meet monthly.

My only other requirement is that you try to follow California's open
meeting laws [1] which, for starters, mean: (a) the meetings are open
to the public; (b) you post an itemized agenda at least 72 hours
before each meeting; and (c) you allow limited public comment (such as
three minutes each for fewer than ten speakers, two minutes each for
fewer than twenty speakers, and one minute each for thirty or more

Finally and most important (d) members are prohibited from discussing
council business with each other outside of meetings. That requirement
exists so that interested people from the public may follow your

In lieu of written minutes, it may be best to record the meetings.

It would also be nice if you could publish an annual top ten list of
issues (potentially a single page) for the benefit of other project

Thank you for your interest in the Strategy Council!

Kind regards
Felix Lechner

P.S. Everyone, please join #meetfelix on OFTC. I hope to get to know you better!


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