Gunnar Wolf <> wrote on 20/03/2022 at 17:44:44+0100:

> Felix Lechner dijo [Sun, Mar 20, 2022 at 06:49:50AM -0700]:
>> Hi Gunnar,
>> On Fri, Mar 18, 2022 at 10:47 PM Gunnar Wolf <> wrote:
>> >
>> > This year I think I will break my usual
>> > practice, and vote a certain DPL candidate below NotA :-\
>> With that statement, you potentially committed two
>> infractions—depending on where you live.
>> First, revealing a vote is widely looked down upon. Why would you do
>> it other than to sway people who have not made up their minds? It's
>> why some folks desire to have secret votes. Your conduct might also be
>> illegal in some places. [1]
> Debian is not a country. Our elections are not bound by national or
> state-level electoral laws.
>> Second, you expressed a preference among candidates while holding
>> public office. [2] That is a big gray area, but restrictions exist in
>> the US [3] and, to some extent, in Germany. [4] On a Debian list, you
>> are an office holder with expanded authorities. Would it not be better
>> to act moderately compared to membership, on average?
> I am just a Debian Developer, just as you are. I happen to have
> received some delegations... but that's an internal issue of an
> organization -- a not-legally-incorporated organization even.
> If you plan on becoming a DPL, I suggest you to look into
> understanding the difference between the role of the Debian Project
> Leader and that of a President, Prime Minister, Supreme Dictator, or
> something like that.

I'm sorry to add to the bad atmosphere, but reading Felix' prose and
this subthread, I hope he doesn't ever become a DPL.


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