Hi, This is the first call for votes for the General Resolution about non-free firmware.
Voting period starts 2022-09-18 00:00:00 UTC Votes must be received by 2022-10-01 23:59:59 UTC This vote is being conducted as required by the Debian Constitution. You may see the constitution at https://www.debian.org/devel/constitution. For voting questions or problems contact secret...@debian.org. The details of the general resolution can be found at: https://www.debian.org/vote/2022/vote_003 Also, note that you can get a fresh ballot any time before the end of the vote by sending a signed mail to bal...@vote.debian.org with the subject "gr_non_free_firmware". To vote you need to be a Debian Developer. HOW TO VOTE First, read the full text of the options. You might also want to read discussions at https://lists.debian.org/debian-vote/ To cast a vote, it is necessary to send this ballot filled out to a dedicated e-mail address, in a signed message, as described below. The dedicated email address this ballot should be sent to is: gr_non_free_firmw...@vote.debian.org The form you need to fill out is contained bellow in this message, marked with two lines containing the characters '-=-=-=-=-=-'. Do not erase anything between those lines, and do not change the choice names. There are 7 choices in the form, which you may rank with numbers between 1 and 7. In the brackets next to your preferred choice, place a 1. Place a 2 in the brackets next to your next choice. Continue until you reach your last choice. Do not enter a number smaller than 1 or larger than 7. You may skip numbers, leave some choices unranked, and rank options equally. Unranked choices are considered equally the least desired choices, and ranked below all ranked choices. To vote "no, no matter what", rank "None of the above" as more desirable than the unacceptable choices, or you may rank the "None of the above" choice and leave choices you consider unacceptable blank. (Note: if the "None of the above" choice is unranked, then it is equal to all other unranked choices, if any -- no special consideration is given to the "None of the above" choice by the voting software). Finally, mail the filled out ballot to: gr_non_free_firmw...@vote.debian.org. Don't worry about spacing of the columns or any quote characters (">") that your reply inserts. NOTE: The vote must be GPG signed (or PGP signed) with your key that is in the Debian keyring. You may, if you wish, choose to send a signed, encrypted ballot: use the vote key appended below for encryption. The voting software (Devotee) accepts mail that either contains only an unmangled OpenPGP message (RFC 2440 compliant), or a PGP/MIME mail (RFC 3156 compliant). To avoid problems I suggest you use PGP/MIME. VOTING SECRECY This is a secret vote. After the voting period there will be a record of all the votes without the name of the voter. It will instead contain a cryptographic hash. You will receive a secret after you have voted that can be used to calculate that hash. This allows you to verify that your vote is in the list. This secret is sent in an encrypted mail. VOTING FORM - - -=-=-=-=-=- Don't Delete Anything Between These Lines =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 575929bb-88aa-449d-8174-12e5ca850cd6 [ ] Choice 1: Only one installer, including non-free firmware [ ] Choice 2: Recommend installer containing non-free firmware [ ] Choice 3: Allow presenting non-free installers alongside the free one [ ] Choice 4: Installer with non-free software is not part of Debian [ ] Choice 5: Change SC for non-free firmware in installer, one installer [ ] Choice 6: Change SC for non-free firmware in installer, keep both installers [ ] Choice 7: None Of The Above - - -=-=-=-=-=- Don't Delete Anything Between These Lines =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The responses to a valid vote shall be signed by the vote key created for this vote. The public key for the vote, signed by the Project secretary, is appended below. BALLOT OPTIONS Choice 1: Only one installer, including non-free firmware ========================================================= We will include non-free firmware packages from the "non-free-firmware" section of the Debian archive on our official media (installer images and live images). The included firmware binaries will *normally* be enabled by default where the system determines that they are required, but where possible we will include ways for users to disable this at boot (boot menu option, kernel command line etc.). When the installer/live system is running we will provide information to the user about what firmware has been loaded (both free and non-free), and we will *also* store that information on the target system such that users will be able to find it later. Where non-free firmware is found to be necessary, the target system will also be configured to use the non-free-firmware component by default in the apt sources.list file. Our users should receive security updates and important fixes to firmware binaries just like any other installed software. We will publish these images as official Debian media, replacing the current media sets that do not include non-free firmware packages. Choice 2: Recommend installer containing non-free firmware ========================================================== We will include non-free firmware packages from the "non-free-firmware" section of the Debian archive on our official media (installer images and live images). The included firmware binaries will *normally* be enabled by default where the system determines that they are required, but where possible we will include ways for users to disable this at boot (boot menu option, kernel command line etc.). When the installer/live system is running we will provide information to the user about what firmware has been loaded (both free and non-free), and we will *also* store that information on the target system such that users will be able to find it later. Where non-free firmware is found to be necessary, the target system will also be configured to use the non-free-firmware component by default in the apt sources.list file. Our users should receive security updates and important fixes to firmware binaries just like any other installed software. While we will publish these images as official Debian media, they will not replace the current media sets that do not include non-free firmware packages, but offered alongside. Images that do include non-free firmware will be presented more prominently, so that newcomers will find them more easily; fully-free images will not be hidden away; they will be linked from the same project pages, but with less visual priority. Choice 3: Allow presenting non-free installers alongside the free one ===================================================================== The Debian project is permitted to make distribution media (installer images and live images) containing non-free software from the Debian archive available for download alongside with the free media in a way that the user is informed before downloading which media are the free ones. Choice 4: Installer with non-free software is not part of Debian ================================================================ We continue to stand by the spirit of the Debian Social Contract §1 which says: Debian will remain 100% free We provide the guidelines that we use to determine if a work is "free" in the document entitled "The Debian Free Software Guidelines". We promise that the Debian system and all its components will be free according to these guidelines. We will support people who create or use both free and non-free works on Debian. We will never make the system require the use of a non-free component. Therefore we will not include any non-free software in Debian, nor in the main archive or installer/live/cloud or other official images, and will not enable anything from non-free or contrib by default. We also continue to stand by the spirit of the Debian Social Contract §5 which says: Works that do not meet our free software standards We acknowledge that some of our users require the use of works that do not conform to the Debian Free Software Guidelines. We have created "contrib" and "non-free" areas in our archive for these works. The packages in these areas are not part of the Debian system, although they have been configured for use with Debian. We encourage CD manufacturers to read the licenses of the packages in these areas and determine if they can distribute the packages on their CDs. Thus, although non-free works are not a part of Debian, we support their use and provide infrastructure for non-free packages (such as our bug tracking system and mailing lists). Thereby reinforcing the interpretation that any installer or image with non-free software on it is not part of the Debian system, but that we support their use and welcome others to distribute such work. Choice 5: Change SC for non-free firmware in installer, one installer ===================================================================== This ballot option supersedes the Debian Social Contract (a foundation document) under point 4.1.5 of the constitution and thus requires a 3:1 majority. The Debian Social Contract is replaced with a new version that is identical to the current version in all respects except that it adds the following sentence to the end of point 5: The Debian official media may include firmware that is otherwise not part of the Debian system to enable use of Debian with hardware that requires such firmware. The Debian Project also makes the following statement on an issue of the day: We will include non-free firmware packages from the "non-free-firmware" section of the Debian archive on our official media (installer images and live images). The included firmware binaries will normally be enabled by default where the system determines that they are required, but where possible we will include ways for users to disable this at boot (boot menu option, kernel command line etc.). When the installer/live system is running we will provide information to the user about what firmware has been loaded (both free and non-free), and we will also store that information on the target system such that users will be able to find it later. Where non-free firmware is found to be necessary, the target system will also be configured to use the non-free-firmware component by default in the apt sources.list file. Our users should receive security updates and important fixes to firmware binaries just like any other installed software. We will publish these images as official Debian media, replacing the current media sets that do not include non-free firmware packages. Choice 6: Change SC for non-free firmware in installer, keep both installers ============================================================================ This ballot option supersedes the Debian Social Contract (a foundation document) under point 4.1.5 of the constitution and thus requires a 3:1 majority. The Debian Social Contract is replaced with a new version that is identical to the current version in all respects except that it adds the following sentence to the end of point 5: The Debian official media may include firmware that is otherwise not part of the Debian system to enable use of Debian with hardware that requires such firmware. The Debian Project also makes the following statement on an issue of the day: We will include non-free firmware packages from the "non-free-firmware" section of the Debian archive on our official media (installer images and live images). The included firmware binaries will normally be enabled by default where the system determines that they are required, but where possible we will include ways for users to disable this at boot (boot menu option, kernel command line etc.). When the installer/live system is running we will provide information to the user about what firmware has been loaded (both free and non-free), and we will also store that information on the target system such that users will be able to find it later. Where non-free firmware is found to be necessary, the target system will also be configured to use the non-free-firmware component by default in the apt sources.list file. Our users should receive security updates and important fixes to firmware binaries just like any other installed software. We will publish these images as official Debian media, alongside the current media sets that do not include non-free firmware packages. -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- mQINBGMmKFYBEAC+K3LhCCYFUEv8jR80fIWALf0tTCtx1IGNB+SJRGXCQqdOvBl7 clSn3fHU/CxYCRlqmmKkVLVLYNQ94ALWY42oMCCB11euu22Ln9CiWV4/Rc04tV6V p+yUDDpt8Vf6L8pP/HWs3kZqmpA7NlfO1w/a9R3laBNteguziDxcOEZCG7VNzg3S WulVKQFs2rEICSKw9z/61XK7S43GPiakCM1TIlvN28sVL2J8kfSQq+KYSxl84mkl GSiv34b2TDN/pOd/Co2Y5s2vOTqOVS33fZrhLAzwF8DHTIOYqIS8PZ6lIxIFLC4M Wl5kG40Orp8B++jgLj8tWWYxnljBqvPs1Z/CU1VtNkJh0/O5BDUq9v6nbXofcmql sIscLQF7f4DrPFNJz+MKo9lBZ6arThsBHe/V4bghcLdC1QIII3z6JqpAiGpcplcD hGWUZp6IakKzTgZxMn2VNcyMo0jXrr8zfvlYckuTB49AJAlCNgixfvKxQMmzr7RE 3yIopvg4GK/zNBcRhILIzwKMxH/NZKO5wykSXNTokQTGgXGjl6M1NgJSaFy4PcU8 BoEHi6o3I6gHw9Vgmw8ujlY+1ypwusNylJHNvx/mVUl4ZrBcf0aTpEdxXDo/6euE uvHkl/4lucQMQoBR4C9xSENtUWojjWKu0H7UI01OcW2uSxzz7hYQQut8QwARAQAB tDhOb24tZnJlZSBmaXJtd2FyZSA8Z3Jfbm9uX2ZyZWVfZmlybXdhcmVAdm90ZS5k ZWJpYW4ub3JnPokCPgQTAQgAKAUCYyYoVgIbAwUJABpeAAYLCQgHAwIGFQgCCQoL BBYCAwECHgECF4AACgkQ53rvjwgHYYisyg/+KsIH2ThddZ2K0GSxEZc95zq/7PvY jrnbJkhNJ1YAP2shXx1e+VT41ArgwgeoC2vbEI8+wftH4PRoaCXFROasCKBfeUMT PbnuJCj0Wfsv9aOuJUtrSQ42/FJs9d1f//YsrRndraFqGultJ+S3TgmF33ZzM8OS 950b4VrC2AhQu9dWH8OvcwFMb9rdNRsUYMwbJP7TvzKNBMFmkbWFq2Z4biVRsC7E gZAULhui1iQaRqSVF2+isGAKXdGscSsWz6nFQ3YtqkgCvjRbUZoliyWoczCLM1GF lpXvSCOKqPEHImHIXCqPT8gYvkolYQei5IsMahJOK+yLqTNh318ps69kitnn5eFg W2mvE9mVK0/JjUMZRND2mJy2lXHNo6J0MboXGWVPZXx7wQdeIej3cMTjY5dSHp+m LB1VHubbFbvVUAxRNJwF2eF+ZGNwz/v3nYIvj6TaEiODaDwtM4XW62jH85Gv9+R7 RF3bwjwxGdFjgkjUK9DeokMCWOU2SDR1ik7E5JsOnwHgnD+wT2aOsyUQ5GfQzaI7 5wAD1oeFuDyiIljs6/J0BiyCwsZ155hm32pAG8z/IBikAMGLhyWR1+nWyApbmU18 L79XSxvj7XZdSv5sU2uXApD3sdUVqH+Yb621TuBs18FMZilXmX0aUYLWGWdKnwqq cBNzsPloembPDN6JAjMEEAEKAB0WIQTl5SVg3ZHFVt29pdAgZMU2QcJeXQUCYyYo ywAKCRAgZMU2QcJeXX6eD/0YxNrr6Ws3Ipwrpu7+CuNlidihL157uQ0vv951HNmG ooEd9I9iOlAtEIlG8JRr7Z4pbE/xcuFddEOTZ6RxATUxOaV/JAG+SVOeB2phyytL A7KgEd6AVWJvXw3pU/PTWP9jnTt2KfD67ySDb+kA0nXplGZFYpJPOSehM11qt7Jn UGDr9nKp8Vf+iG6CLnucjTX0Gukqa4miuyK1cvato5IWoOLa0jaUxJKiaVbLw4F7 hB9+dYEYxsYJ8UcvCZdz0Wkfc4IEPfmz7rDNyYWG8yaJs1Iw1j2sTKbJ/c6UjECV aVhQhDAEEI0Lc1mjJoeZfey+kF9NUUk79RrwY4sAH7X+ValMM+GwqdHohklcNziL 9IkM3yUf7tWQ6ab1L6o8b6Ux6nSJfD6MIt/SAXU9p+h2c8uD9eVKgzjlwS39yRMK xsjQgxNh4mJtm96L693nTOFAkFvUNobPOyOLsIJWD9+bzAkz6xa4qchtxBKnwaae 6lCqh2QuvkD7gIbUqqEHWBDQ1tLth/FYLSDehV1IEIAe+yxlonfdAxwnLZ5w5gxI oD0NDelFcoGlicLd5GLeJAN2x84UN8r4VclYTkzPj4hWasHjbfMjchWX1bBHbdfk 7l8X2I+mws168mRoaKzg9rZFZlmDwLrWdniyHPjB+kLbarCDNowE/wolAPKRIoYk rrkCDQRjJihWARAApIsgnwY1r2pynk1gLqS6tOLqn9xXchSxceRK6BT1PIgSnO/Z d0B6N4wavmkUz7AmWNeOBqnLx0KftrocPLItmVsmwiBby86D2eiVALmVMyk7peLR B0bZIPInKHaVIGZKUGHGhTYk4vyRkgeZO80MQq4AOFgdkligdyjHbI84kYLtSOys Fj/dLZ/RRony8ciMQxrvHoA5lSRHACGqo4TpqZrOYePceDQBEx7fyPyNqq/jMlXr I9DZ3aVETxlHDvnepCEaUEf3jsE1IsFYRGMDpqCFqS0ewd/PufGbvqF1EkfF7S+w LlWBCtujMQj2ibkGs1QQ8rnhcyJxmQ49oHvl5oUvfpDxIckg/9TQb+1ydX9iP93p iPq6IXa4AuFDEV/InSzYN0qvukVhZqMxzP2uiVll568uCXVKQNa7vMJhc0XcTCa/ AYRw54aEKcl/p59B2/IYXG5nlN4KXhh8yaPXaIxj9bSXqhgbUtOkYc724Y4hQV4n nmJ98SBkolquP2uORI3AnzKu+jbfBeoY7yPcM80dFctiPPwR76IH0TZhdxSae5Ar 5yGC3VqfiSUuBlafmBSlbfFSb43l3Ebsf0kQOrlQFLbBZEzxDNgbWzyKicA4AzVH +hJ23B0GwZpAuaXx95a+A2l+mbqKbxSUI3KWAr7HVosYyj4to5kNmCVnpqUAEQEA AYkCJQQYAQgADwUCYyYoVgIbDAUJABpeAAAKCRDneu+PCAdhiEWMD/42XRrtk8rw c+7m0Fwtl8B5Am+6bggFZF5tSKARUo1+8Cv2Lgj0+kgiuM8S0nlZMM4gI0Jk+wyE ngfqC6ADkuDbybph0oHu1wWEUF9KQe+YIYaS3BwbJBrND0FKxjkHNO+7lZxkC0P8 pdn3skPw8P4rAE9A9JnwqrJ+4rxUipezn3Vzqv79T5irrnBQSL/c8VGYrZnTaIIL lmVda+2zdxFDSMgL10LWMvOsL2iFa+/66+coPtY60k56pSw6pqDnH1q+35TZsQQl V9q/Gn1gCeDBv/Xwsl2fnGv1cRC2kozg4aUyPVnABXJdopzLwgqc5Z+tq5tEh1xZ LYFe9yZgBvSU77g/kS1GuulTX3k95752T0SY0bJ9bPZWSmBgGQwpisE9aqhoT8iw HBjStMoPCdaOuEV7yevs4vsJ0MD/pYxEfJoJy5zRGvZyLGeGB7oeKIJytW6kcxD0 UZqPXOqtFxHfOUmdVkFEdwnBOWNSCM/586iiFRUcw+y6QcjDHKSoBEUBRcUBdtMq lrHY2wu7QrofWnphttIjp+2URtmusaNDlOJwQupyvdpw1E443RXo4L9kPEakLpCi 30u18kKamT3AuTbmGLu/v6BMTzz2wNjEIznwNIHKrHcDe9NpypO9hXzK/ALPM5RS 8JaOA6+XvtEEaScU43YtKvAgqiKhHcQ3MA== =HXGh -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----
Description: PGP signature