On Sun, 12 Nov 2023 at 17:29, Scott Kitterman <deb...@kitterman.com> wrote:
> On November 12, 2023 5:09:26 PM UTC, Luca Boccassi <bl...@debian.org> wrote:
> >On Sun, 12 Nov 2023 at 15:10, Santiago Ruano Rincón
> ><santiag...@riseup.net> wrote:
> >>
> >> Dear Debian Fellows,
> >>
> >> Following the email sent by Ilu to debian-project (Message-ID:
> >> <4b93ed08-f148-4c7f-b172-f967f7de7...@gmx.net>), and as we have
> >> discussed during the MiniDebConf UY 2023 with other Debian Members, I
> >> would like to call for a vote about issuing a Debian public statement 
> >> regarding
> >> the EU Cyber Resilience Act (CRA) and the Product Liability Directive
> >> (PLD). The CRA is in the final stage in the legislative process in the
> >> EU Parliament, and we think it will impact negatively the Debian
> >> Project, users, developers, companies that rely on Debian, and the FLOSS
> >> community as a whole. Even if the CRA will be probably adopted before
> >> the time the vote ends (if it takes place), we think it is important to
> >> take a public stand about it.
> >>
> >>     ----- GENERAL RESOLUTION STARTS -----
> >>
> >>     Debian Public Statement about the EU Cyber Resilience Act and the
> >>     Product Liability Directive
> >>
> >>     The European Union is currently preparing a regulation "on horizontal
> >>     cybersecurity requirements for products with digital elements" known as
> >>     the Cyber Resilience Act (CRA). It's currently in the final "trilogue"
> >>     phase of the legislative process. The act includes a set of essential
> >>     cybersecurity and vulnerability handling requirements for 
> >> manufacturers.
> >>     It will require products to be accompanied by information and
> >>     instructions to the user. Manufacturers will need to perform risk
> >>     assessments and produce technical documentation and for critical
> >>     components, have third-party audits conducted. Discoverded security
> >>     issues will have to be reported to European authorities within 24 hours
> >>     (1). The CRA will be followed up by the Product Liability Directive
> >>     (PLD) which will introduce compulsory liability for software. More
> >>     information about the proposed legislation and its consequences in (2).
> >
> >These all seem like good things to me. For too long private
> >corporations have been allowed to put profit before accountability and
> >user safety, which often results in long lasting damage for citizens,
> >monetary or worse. It's about time the wild-west was reined in.
> >
> >>     While a lot of these regulations seem reasonable, the Debian project
> >>     believes that there are grave problems for Free Software projects
> >>     attached to them. Therefore, the Debian project issues the following
> >>     statement:
> >>
> >>     1.  Free Software has always been a gift, freely given to society, to
> >>     take and to use as seen fit, for whatever purpose. Free Software has
> >>     proven to be an asset in our digital age and the proposed EU Cyber
> >>     Resilience Act is going to be detrimental to it.
> >>         a.  It is Debian's goal to "make the best system we can, so that
> >>     free works will be widely distributed and used." Imposing requirements
> >>     such as those proposed in the act makes it legally perilous for others
> >>     to redistribute our works and endangers our commitment to "provide an
> >>     integrated system of high-quality materials _with no legal 
> >> restrictions_
> >>     that would prevent such uses of the system". (3)
> >
> >Debian does not sell products in the single market. Why would any
> >requirement be imposed, how, and on whom? SPI? Debian France?
> >
> >>         b.  Knowing whether software is commercial or not isn't feasible,
> >>     neither in Debian nor in most free software projects - we don't track
> >>     people's employment status or history, nor do we check who finances
> >>     upstream projects.
> >
> >We do know whether something is commercial or not though - for
> >example, we don't have to provide Debian with warranty to our users,
> >because we know publishing images on debian.org is not a commercial
> >activity.
> >The second statement I find hard to follow, what would employment
> >status have to do with this?
> >
> >>         c.  If upstream projects stop developing for fear of being in the
> >>     scope of CRA and its financial consequences, system security will
> >>     actually get worse instead of better.
> >
> >Why would projects stop developing? If it's a product sold on the
> >single market, then it's right that it is subject to these rules. If
> >it's not a product, then these rules don't affect it, just like rules
> >on warranties.
> >
> >>         d.  Having to get legal advice before giving a present to society
> >>     will discourage many developers, especially those without a company or
> >>     other organisation supporting them.
> >
> >Same as above. If you are not selling anything, why would you need
> >legal advice, any more than you already do? The EU Single Market has
> >many, many rules, this is not the first and won't be the last.
> >
> >>     2.  Debian is well known for its security track record through 
> >> practices
> >>     of responsible disclosure and coordination with upstream developers and
> >>     other Free Software projects. We aim to live up to the commitment made
> >>     in the Social Contract: "We will not hide problems." (3)
> >>         a.  The Free Software community has developed a fine-tuned, well
> >>     working system of responsible disclosure in case of security issues
> >>     which will be overturned by the mandatory reporting to European
> >>     authorities within 24 hours (Art. 11 CRA).
> >
> >Well, actually the CVE system has a lot of critics - see recent LWN
> >articles for some examples. So a public authority taking over from
> >Mitre and other private companies doesn't sound so horrible to me, in
> >principle - devil's in the details of course.
> >
> >>         b.  Debian spends a lot of volunteering time on security issues,
> >>     provides quick security updates and works closely together with 
> >> upstream
> >>     projects, in coordination with other vendors. To protect its users,
> >>     Debian regularly participates in limited embargos to coordinate fixes 
> >> to
> >>     security issues so that all other major Linux distributions can also
> >>     have a complete fix when the vulnerability is disclosed.
> >>
> >>         c.  Security issue tracking and remediation is intentionally
> >>     decentralized and distributed. The reporting of security issues to
> >>     ENISA and the intended propagation to other authorities and national
> >>     administrations would collect all software vulnerabilities in one 
> >> place,
> >>     greatly increasing the risk of leaking information about 
> >> vulnerabilities
> >>     to threat actors, representing a threat for all the users around the
> >>     world, including European citizens.
> >
> >This already happens with CVEs though? By a private, unaccountable,
> >for profit corporation.
> >
> >>         d.  Activists use Debian (e.g. through derivatives such as Tails),
> >>     among other reasons, to protect themselves from authoritarian
> >>     governments; handing threat actors exploits they can use for oppression
> >>     is against what Debian stands for.
> >
> >Again, I don't see how this is any different than the status quo.
> >
> >>         e.  Developers and companies will downplay security issues because
> >>     a "security" issue now comes with legal implications. Less clarity on
> >>     what is truly a security issue will hurt users by leaving them 
> >> vulnerable.
> >
> >Companies already routinely downplay or outright neglect security
> >issues in their products. It seems the intent of the legislation is to
> >try and fix precisely that. One might be skeptical on the ability of
> >the proposed legislation to improve the situation, of course, but
> >that's a different story.
> >
> >>     3.  While proprietary software is developed behind closed doors, Free
> >>     Software development is done in the open, transparent for everyone. To
> >>     keep even with proprietary software the open development process needs
> >>     to be entirely exempt from CRA requirements, just as the development of
> >>     software in private is. A "making available on the market" can only be
> >>     considered after development is finished and the software is released.
> >>
> >>     4.  Even if only "commercial activities" are in the scope of CRA, the
> >>     Free Software community - and as a consequence, everybody - will lose a
> >>     lot of small projects. CRA will force many small enterprises and most
> >>     probably all self employed developers out of business because they
> >>     simply cannot fullfill the requirements imposed by CRA. Debian and 
> >> other
> >>     Linux distributions depend on their work. It is not understandable why
> >>     the EU aims to cripple not only an established community but also a
> >>     thriving market. CRA needs an exemption for small businesses and, at 
> >> the
> >>     very least, solo-entrepreneurs.
> >
> >To be brutally honest, if some private corporations' viability depends
> >on being able to ignore glaring security issues that can harm their
> >users, then I for one am all for them going out of business. Just like
> >if a company's existence relies on the ability to breach privacy with
> >impunity and is hampered by the GDPR, and so on.
> >
> >To do a reductio ad absurdum to illustrate my point, if a free
> >software project's existence depended exclusively on an oil&gas
> >corporation being able to pollute the environment and worsen climate
> >change with impunity because the author is employed there, would it be
> >worth it? The answer for me is categorically no. Especially given it's
> >free software! The whole point of it is that someone else can maintain
> >it, or the author can find a different source of income, and the
> >project can continue - it's free, it's by definition not locked in one
> >corporation.
> >
> >All in all, given how the situation is explained here, I do not
> >understand where the issue is, for us as a project or as free software
> >developers. I do not see any convincing argument at all as to why this
> >is detrimental to Debian or free software, and the only link that is
> >made is tenuous at best: maybe some free software developer is also
> >employed by a company who is negatively affected by this. There are
> >many, many things that can negatively affect anyone's employer, I do
> >not see why, by itself, this should warrant a project statement.
> Then I would encourage you to do a bit of research on the topic.  Given the 
> definitions being used in the proposal, Debian and most, if not all, of it's 
> upstreams are squarely within the realm of affected software.  If this is 
> passed, I am seriously considering ceasing all free software work, because 
> it's not at all clear it's possible to avoid legal liability for things that 
> I can't reasonably control as a single developer.
> This is true even though I don't live in the EU.

Which definitions does the proposal use? Could you please quote them?
The first two links do not provide any, as far as I can see. The third
link (a blog post, not a piece of legislation) explicitly says: "the
Cyber Resilience Act does not define commercial activity".

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