Hi Lous-Philippe,

Am Tue, Apr 02, 2024 at 04:05:21PM -0400 schrieb Louis-Philippe VĂ©ronneau:
> Jonathan's latest "Bits from the DPL" entry reminded me of how much I like
> those :)
> What are your thoughts on the format?
> If you are elected, do you plan to publish regular "Bits"? If not, how do
> you plan to communicate with the rest of the project with regards to the
> work you are doing?

Quoting my platform:

  I intend to maintain a daily log in a public Git repository, provided
  the information can be shared with a public audience. Additionally, I
  will send a monthly summary to debian-devel-announce to keep you
  informed about my activities and progress.  

I was told in private that a daily log in Git might be a bit tough but
I hope to manage.  I consider it a good preparation for the monthly Bits.

Kind regards


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