On June 26, 2024 4:26:03 AM UTC, Simon Richter <s...@debian.org> wrote:
>On 6/26/24 03:42, Aigars Mahinovs wrote:
>> Do you actually check that the contents of the source *package* (after all 
>> operations done by dpkg-source and possibly other tools) actually match what 
>> you were looking at before in your source work tree folder?
>Yes, although more from a quality control perspective, so I don't do it for 
>minimal changes or simple "declare different target distribution" style 
>With the 1.0 format, that was a lot easier (zless on the .debian.diff.gz), but 
>with mc that is still doable with 3.0.
>I've quite often found problems like accidentally included files, or 
>inconsistencies in the control file because I forgot to apply a change to one 

Similarly, I debdiff the source package with the previous revision when doing 
stable updates to make sure I'm only including the changes I intend to.  I do 
this sometimes, although far less frequently, for Unstable/Experimental 
uploads.  It's not a guarantee I'll find everything, but it's not nothing 

Scott K

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