Hi everyone,

I've added a transitional package from exe-thumbnailer ->
icoextract-thumbnailer. The code is at
https://salsa.debian.org/jlu-guest/icoextract since I seem to be locked
out of the wine-team repo again... (this might be my biggest gripe with
Salsa in general, so much weirdness with permissions[1] :( )

remote: GitLab: You are not allowed to push code to protected branches
on this project.
To salsa.debian.org:wine-team/icoextract.git
 ! [remote rejected] debian/master -> debian/master (pre-receive hook
error: failed to push some refs to

The transitional package has version 1~icoextract-$(DEB_VERSION) using
the dh_gencontrol override. It depends on icoextract-thumbnailer, while
icoextract-thumbnailer has the following:

 Breaks: exe-thumbnailer (<< 1~)
 Replaces: exe-thumbnailer (<< 1~)
 Provides: exe-thumbnailer


[1]: Side note: I've had occasions where GitLab won't let me delete old
branches from the website, but doing so via git works fine!?

On 2019-12-23 12:03 p.m., Stephen Kitt wrote:
> Hi Jens, hi James,
> On Mon, 23 Dec 2019 19:23:48 +0100, Jens Reyer <jre.wine...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 22.12.19 22:04, James Lu wrote:
>>> I've since prepared Debian packaging for the project, tentatively placed
>>> at https://salsa.debian.org/jlu-guest/icoextract. (I couldn't push to
>>> wine-team/icoextract since I don't have permissions to set a default
>>> branch?)  
>> I recently had the same problem, fortunately I now have the relevant
>> rights.  So I pushed your repo to wine-team.
> Thanks!
>>> With all this in mind, I'm inclined to deprecate the existing
>>> exe-thumbnailer unless someone else wants to work on it. However, since
>>> icoextract is new & has a lower version (0.1.0) than exe-thumbnailer,
>>> I'm not exactly sure how to set up a transitional package. Any advice on
>>> this would be appreciated!  
>> It's been a few years since I had a deep look into this.  Generally the
>> version of a binary package doesn't need to be the same as its source
>> package version (otherwise, since you're upstream, I'd just bump the
>> version of icoextract).
>> Nowadays versioned provides should work (but you need to test it).  Just
>> add something like this to src:icoextract's d/control:
>> Package: icoextract
>> Provides: exe-thumbnailer (= 0.10.1-2)
> I don’t think this will ensure the transition: there’s nothing that depends
> on icoextract, so previous users of exe-thumbnailer will keep that package.
> [...]
>> If this doesn't work, you'd have to add a separate (empty) transitional
>> package:
>> Package: exe-thumbnailer
>> I think the binary package version can be set in d/rules.
> I think this is the best solution. The package version can be set using
> dpkg-gencontrol, or its wrapper dh_gencontrol, with the -v option (to set the
> version) and the -p option (to specify which package is affected).
> Regards,
> Stephen

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