Hi Neil,

>> > If you no longer intend to work on aeromail I will investigate some
>> > and probably file a removal request.
>> >
>> > Please CC me on replies to the bug report.
>> I have been waiting for a sponsor or someone who would like to upload
>> (NMU), since I am not a DD.
>> Thank you for your attention
>[package = aeromail]
>I'll happily sponsor this if you still need someone.

great, go for it!  :))
I accept this help with absolutely great pleasure. I first need an hand to
manage the overall packaging procedure, then we will provide all the fixes
for the current pending bug, ok?


PS: repositories

deb http://www.stex.name/debian ./
deb-src http://www.stex.name/debian ./


deb http://www.openlabs.it/~stex/debian ./
deb-src http://www.openlabs.it/~stex/debian ./
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