Thanks. I'll add a statement in case it isn't clear that I did intend to allow distribution with OpenSSL. Unless there are objections, here's what I'll add for the next release - which you may feel free to include immediately. There have been no substantial contributions of code to encfs, so I am the only copyright holder.

Perhaps this is a good reason for me to finally get around to adding in
support for another encryption library.


===== README 1.13 vs edited =====
--- 1.13/README 2004-12-28 23:17:01 +01:00
+++ edited/README       2005-03-10 13:44:44 +01:00
@@ -117,4 +117,16 @@
   algorithm used, key length, block size), and more importantly it can
   change the user-supplied password used to encrypt the volume key.

+   Encfs uses the OpenSSL toolkit ( by default.
+   OpenSSL is not covered by the GPL, and some people are concerned
about the
+   licenses being incompatible.  Although I believe it should be clear
that I
+   intended to allow linking encfs with OpenSSL, I will make it more
+   As a special exception to encfs's GPL license, the copyright holders
+   permission to link the code or portions of this program with the OpenSSL
+   library, and distribute linked combinations including the two.  This
+   exception should be construed as narrowly as possible to allow
OpenSSL to be
+   used and distributed as part of encfs.

Eduard Bloch wrote:

I am packaging both, rlog and encfs for Debian. The testing package are
available on:

There is a minor problem with your license - it is pure GPL without the
OpenSSL exception statement. Please add this statement or change the
license to a more liberal one (maybe LGPL). See for details.

If you have any comments WRT package descriptions or their contents,
please tell me. The debian packages can be extracted using "ar x" and


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