On Sat, 2005-05-07 at 13:48 +0200, Micha Lenk wrote:
> Severity #307366 Grave
> Merge #307784 #307366
> Thanks dear bugtracking system.
> On Fri, May 06, 2005 at 09:10:17PM +0200, Primoz wrote:
> > Is there a way to revert the upload to the NMUed one (which had security
> > problems fixed), so package stays in sarge. I would need at least a week
> > to 14 days to port pam-mysql to pgsql (which seems like the best way to
> > go).
> Yes: Release a new package containing the changes of the NMU. The
> simplest and fastest way is to download the sources from
> http://snapshot.debian.net/archive/2004/11/13/debian/pool/main/p/pam-pgsql/,
> include the NMU changelog entries (i.e. copy debian/changelog from the
> current source) and re-release it without other source changes as
> 0.5.2-9 or higher.
> Micha

I created the package alread ... just waiting for sponsor.

> Hello,
> I was able to do it sooner than I thought. The package is on 
> http://hydra.aufbix.org/~primoz/debian/
> I did about 2 hours of testing on it with different options and I'm
> almost confident I didn't break anything. I fixed a few things (check
> the changelog). Is package OK? What do I have to do next?
> Primoz Bratanic 

Primoz Bratanic

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