Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist

I've started writing a free version of unarj.  I have unarj installed
in case I come across .arj files on the net or on old floppies, and
vrms listed it once too often :)

So this is more of an "intent to write" than "intent to package", but
I do intend to package it once it is done.

I will duplicate unarj's interface as closely as I can (except
for the banner), both for ease of regression testing and in case
there are scripts that parse unarj's output.  I considered going
the other way and making it behave like a proper unix utility, but...
maybe in version 2.

Its current state is that it can list the files in an archive, but
can't uncompress or extract them.  I'm not looking for help (I'm
having fun writing this), but if you have any unusual arj archives
lying around then I would appreciate a copy for testing.

When it's done I will release it under the GNU GPL.

Richard Braakman

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