It looks like this report is saying that x-symbol requires a mule
enabled (x)emacs to compile and work.  If so it should Depend on a
version that has mule rather than just emacsen.

This is a complicated issue in a couple of ways for xemacs though
because xemacs doesn't have separate installs for mule and non-mule
versions.  I assume along with the above change x-symbol will need to
make sure that it is compiled by a mule xemacs version (don't run
xemacs21 to compile, but xemacs21-mule or xemacs21-mule-canna-wnn) and
it should make sure it doesn't try to load anything in a startup file
for a non-mule version (though it looks like the package doesn't have
a startup file so this is a non-issue).


@James LewisMoss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>      |  Blessed Be!
@ |  Linux is kewl!
@"Argue for your limitations and sure enough, they're yours." Bach

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