On Thu, Aug 30, 2001 at 10:45:39PM +0100, Daniel Barlow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> was 
heard to say:
> detachtty lets you run interactive programs non-interactively (in a
> pty), and connect to them over the network when you do need to
> interact with them.  It's designed for long-running Lisp processes and
> similar "runs mostly unattended but occasionally needs to be typed at"
> systems.  Unlike screen, it works in emacs comint modes, and unlike
> qcmu, it deals correctly with passing on a SIGINT sent to it.  It requires
> ssh for operation over the net.
> detachtty is available under the terms of the GNU General Public
> License version 2, or (at your option) any later version.  More
> information from http://ww.telent.net/cliki/detachtty

  I'd suggest explaining the functional difference between this and screen
in the description..


/-------------------- Daniel Burrows <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -------------------\
|                         You will soon forget this.                          |
\---------------------- A duck! -- http://www.python.org ---------------------/

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