On Thu, Nov 22, 2001 at 01:47:50AM +0100, Santiago Garcia Mantinan wrote:
> > I am happy to package this RFP.
> Great, are you doing it already?

Yes pretty much underway.

There are of course three opensource gatekeepers I have been able to find..

        - Looks good works with simph323, ohphone and Netmeeting
        - The official gk for openh323 but seems a little basic in function
        - Very comprenhsive documentation, but I can't get it to work with

I guess I'll go with opengatekeeper but maybe also package openh323gk.

> I'm gonna upload new pwlib and openh323 libs in the near future, they have
> changed quite a lot, completely reworked, fixed bugs, changed places for the
> development files and all that to meet an agreement with other distros.

That would be good.  I have also been taking a look at bayonne which doesn't 
to like the current openh323 libs location of /usr/include/oh323, but
rather is looking for /usr/include/openh323.  Hopefully your changes are
> I have left a copy which is not final but should be close to it, in fact, I
> don't plan to do any changes on them besides cosmetic ones.
> For everybody that wants to take a look and them and report back or are
> working on any openh323 based packaging, they cat get the libs via ftp or
> http at ftp.manty.net/download/h323test

Sure I'll take a look, but I have just noticed the new versions of pstngw and 
openam are already available in unstable.
> Please let me know if you find something wrong with the libs.

Will do.


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