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> # Thu Dec 24 19:03:09 UTC 2009
> # Tagging as pending bugs that are closed by packages in NEW
> #
> #
> # Source package in NEW: ibus-skk
> tags 562137 + pending
Bug #562137 [wnpp] ITP: ibus-skk -- a Japanese SKK input engine for IBus
Added tag(s) pending.
> # Source package in NEW: haskell-sha
> tags 562083 + pending
Bug #562083 [wnpp] ITP: haskell-sha -- Implementations of the SHA suite of 
message digest functions
Added tag(s) pending.
> # Source package in NEW: libibcm
> tags 516094 + pending
Bug #516094 [wnpp] ITP: libibcm -- Userspace InfiniBand Communication Manager
Added tag(s) pending.
> # Source package in NEW: ibsim
> tags 539799 + pending
Bug #539799 [wnpp] ITP: ibsim -- InfiniBand fabric simulator utilities
Added tag(s) pending.
> # Source package in NEW: xpyb
> tags 546568 + pending
Bug #546568 [wnpp] ITP: xpyb -- Python bindings to XCB
Added tag(s) pending.
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