Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist X-Debbugs-CC:
Package name: libspring-richclient-java Version: 1.1.0 Upstream Author: The spring-richclient team ( URL: License: Apache 2.0 Description: A Java GUI Framework based on Springsource The Spring Rich Client Project (RCP) is a sub-project of The Spring Framework. Spring-RCP's mission is to provide an elegant way to build highly-configurable, GUI-standards-following rich-client applications faster by leveraging the Spring Framework, and a rich library of UI factories and support classes. Initial focus is on providing support for Swing applications but a goal of Spring-RCP is to be view agnostic as much as possible. SVN: Needed for building l2fprod-common-springrcp.jar and l2fprod-common-all.jar in the libl2fprod-common-java package. I tried package this lib, but am unable to build it.
Description: OpenPGP digital signature