Processing commands for

> # Fri Feb  5 19:03:18 UTC 2010
> # Tagging as pending bugs that are closed by packages in NEW
> #
> #
> # Source package in NEW: libbf
> tags 556232 + pending
Bug #556232 [wnpp] ITP: libbf -- libbf is a Free BrainFuck interpreter, 
optimizer, compiler library
Added tag(s) pending.
> # Source package in NEW: system-config-cluster
> tags 424674 + pending
Bug #424674 [wnpp] ITP: system-config-cluster -- GUI to create the red hat 
cluster suite config file
Added tag(s) pending.
> # Source package in NEW: jconvolver
> tags 529774 + pending
Bug #529774 {Done: "Mehdi" <>} [jack-jconv] jack-jconv and 
libjconv-bin: error when trying to install together
Warning: Unknown package 'jack-jconv'
Added tag(s) pending.
Warning: Unknown package 'jack-jconv'
> # Source package in NEW: jconvolver
> tags 540427 + pending
Failed to alter tags of Bug 540427: Not altering archived bugs; see unarchive.

> # Source package in NEW: jconvolver
> tags 554638 + pending
Failed to alter tags of Bug 554638: Not altering archived bugs; see unarchive.

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