Note that oftpd was removed from Debian nearly 5 years ago (Bug #332186), a
year and a half after the last release mentioned on
<>. It doesn't seem to have changed
since. Please don't upload this to Debian unless you're willing to take over
upstream development and security support.

In the removal request, Matthew Danish wrote:
> Remove oftpd from unstable.  It has no active upstream maintainer, has a
> couple of outstanding security flaws, and I have no time to attempt to
> fix this myself.

On Mon, 22 Mar 2010 at 08:02:42 +0000, wrote:
> The oftpd server daemon is designed to be as secure as it can possibly be.

The same is frequently said of many ftp servers, as far as I can see...
whether they're *actually* secure is a different matter! vsftpd might be a
good alternative?


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