Hi André,

On Tue, 2010-04-06 at 14:07 +0200, Andre Espaze wrote:
> Hi Adam,
> > Hi everyone and apologies for the long delay since I last wrote.
> No problem, I was also busy on others projects but I am back 
> on Salomé for this week and I should work full time on it 
> for the week starting on the 19th of april.
> > 
> > I've been getting VirtualBox to work, as suggested by Sylvestre (thanks
> > again!).  I spent a while trying to get shared folders to work, then
> > realized just this morning that I could just download stuff from the
> > net, so I finally have a pure unstable environment to (try to) run
> > Salomé.
> > 
> > André, I'm having trouble running version 5.1.3-4 from
> > http://lyre.mit.edu/~powell/salome/ -- I get the same error as with more
> > recent versions: "Study server is not found".  Are you setting some
> > environment variables to make it work?
> In fact I did not run an installed version because my system could not
> build the binary packages due to a lack of memory. That is one of the
> reason why I work now in a virtual machine on a dedicated server.
> For using the 5.1.3-4, I simply ran:
>     ./debian/rules install
> and then I have started Salome from the debian/tmp/usr directory by 
> ajusting the environment variables as you did in runSalome. Would you
> be interested if I run a build of the 5.1.3-4 again? I could try to
> find back every step.

Ah, that would be very helpful.  I'd like to get runSalome to work, but
I first have to have something working in order to do that. :-)

> Concerning the 5.1.3-5, I can not start Salomé from debian/tmp/usr. The
> funny point is that I can run Salomé when compiling it by hand in a
> dedicated directory. An identified problem was the line:
>     chmod -x $(CURDIR)/debian/tmp/usr/lib/python2.5/*-packages/salome/*
> however I still get the 'Study server is not found' error at startup. I
> have reached a point where I am comparing the configuration steps,
> I hope to identify the problem soon.

Thanks for your work on this.  Between the two of us, I hope we can find
out what's breaking this soon...

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