On 09:54 Thu 08 Apr     , Penny Leach wrote:
> Hi,
> On Wed, Apr 07, 2010 at 11:04:53PM +0100, Tomasz Muras wrote:
> > I'm afraid it's the same person - just me :). I have used another
> > email address by accident.
> > I've got the beginning of the new package, you can find it here:
> > www.zabuchy.net/debian/moodle_1.9.8-1_all.deb  - but there is much
> > more to be done!
> Great! I really don't have time to have a look at this at the moment but
> I'll have a further look once you start committing.
> > So far I've got the package to work with dbconfig and perform the
> > upgrade from the current installation correctly.
> > I'm going to move on to generate new config file and de-bundle some
> > libraries. I had an initial look at the Debian patches currently
> > included - I think that most of them can be dropped.
> Awesome - I think you're right the main ones are bundled libraries.
> > How do I go about getting write access to the git repository (
> > http://git.debian.org/?p=pkg-moodle/moodle.git;a=summary )?
> You sign up on alioth and then go to
> https://alioth.debian.org/projects/pkg-moodle/ and ask to join the group.
> I'm an admin and I'll approve you and make you an admin too.


Great that someone has time to work on moodle.

I have send a request to be added to the group on alioth. I hope to be able to
find time to work a bit on moodle.

BTW, I can maybe add under team maintenance the moodle-debian-edu-theme Im

 ,''`. Xavier Oswald (xosw...@debian.org)
: :' : GNU/LINUX Debian Developer <http://www.debian.org> 
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