On Wed, 2010-05-05 at 18:09 +0000, Alexander Reichle-Schmehl wrote:
> Hi Maintainer!
> I'm sorry but I need to temporarily reject your package, as it is by far the
> largest currently sitting in the NEW queue and ftp-master is currently running
> low on disc space.
> I didn't had the time to investigate your package (beside seeing that it is 
> the
> largest in the NEW queue and rejecting it would reduce the size of NEW by more
> than a half!).

Oh dear, that's too bad...  But yes, it is a gigantic package.

If I make a version without the -doc binary, that takes it from 859 to
235 MiB including .orig.tar.gz.  (The -doc binary has a huge amount of
very large generated documentation...)  Does that reduce it's size
enough to consider re-uploading?

I can appreciate the burden of checking a package of this size.
But It's taken a good-sized team a few months of concerted effort to get
this far (development actually started about two and a half years ago),
and we'd like to be able to use the BTS to track the various issues with
the package, among other concerns.

[Also, there's a summary of all of the copyright statements in every
file of every module in debian/copyright-audit/ to make your life

> A better solution is currently being worked on, but might need some time.  
> Once
> we have a) a new ftp-master server or b) archieved the etch release, you can
> reupload your package.

Makes sense.  But if the above isn't sufficient reduction in the package
size, how will we know when this happens?

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