On Fri, Jan 18, 2002 at 02:05:48PM +0100, Tille, Andreas wrote:

> > Good point, I'll do this for race, trophy and maybe crawl and omega-rpg
> > as well.
> If I should resend you my preliminary stuff for race please tell me soon

If you don't mind I'd like to figure it out myself.

> ... but I've seen you just found it and used the icons :).  I want to
> add that I wanted to use a
>     convert debian/trophy.xpm `pwd`/debian/trophy/usr/share/pixmaps/trophy.png
> to have a png file in /usr/share/pixmaps which is more compact.  Unfortunately
> the build stuff does not support binary diffs and so the image has to be
> included as xpm in the source.

I noticed, but I removed the convert command from the rules file because
you'd need a build-dep on imagemagick for this one pixmap. The xpm is
not that big, every program can use it, and the only reason to use pngs
is truecolour support.

> > I too am no lawyer, so I'm not going to put effort in this. Besides, the
> > music is not my taste :).
> I personally do not care about music and I have to admit that I mostly
> switch it off (by software or by just removing the power connector of
> the speakers ;-).  But it was just an idea for those who might like it ...
> It wouldn't be a real problem for me if there wouldn't be any sound.

I'll ask the band that wrote the music about it.

> Perhaps we build a further package junior-race?
> > (After hearing the soundtrack I think it wouldn't be
> > suitable for Debian-Jr anyway.)
> Well than it would go this way:
>       junior-race
>       Depends: trophy, race
>       Suggests: tuxracer      ## only suggets, because it needs 3D support
>       Conflicts: race-sound   ## if there would really be a race-sound

Ok, I'll keep this in mind. BTW, race also needs 3D support.

Met vriendelijke groet / with kind regards,
  Guus Sliepen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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