Excerpts from Julien Viard de Galbert's message of Thu Aug 19 20:30:14 +0200 

> I have working hardware and some time to give to debian.

Great! What hardware do you have exactly?
The XO-1.5 [1] uses the VX855. While I got it up & running with the bare
minimums, everything a bit more advanced like RANDR and XV is broken
(often hanging the entire machine). It would be awesome to see Debian work
better on the XO-1.5 (it ships with a Fedora derivative); see also [2].
If you don't have VX855 based hardware already, you can apply to the OLPC
Contributors Program [4] (please drop me a note if you do this so I can
join in on the meeting to support your application).

> I've setup a git working place including debian's git and upstream svn.
> It looks like the experimental branches have not been updated for long.

Please update this bug report once you decided where to publish your
packages so I can give them a try.

> Finally I'm not DD (nor DM) so I will need help, review and sponsoring,
> I hope some of you will have time for that.

If you don't find a sponsor, you might try asking on the Debian-OLPC
list [3].


[1] http://wiki.laptop.org/go/XO-1.5
[2] http://lists.laptop.org/pipermail/devel/2010-April/028054.html
[3] http://lists.alioth.debian.org/mailman/listinfo/debian-olpc-devel
[4] http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Contributors_Program

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