On Mon, 11 Oct 2010 09:40:46 +0100 Alastair McKinstry wrote:

>   On 2010-10-10 21:52, Francesco Poli wrote:
> > The package name should probably be changed in order to avoid confusion
> > with the totally unrelated<http://packages.debian.org/sid/silo>
> > Maybe something like "llnlsilo" would do...
> Yes, the package needs to be renamed. I think 'silo-llnl' is the best 
> option,
> so people see it is 'a' silo package.

I don't know, I personally get the impression that "silo-llnl" could be
the LLNL variant of the SPARC boot-loader.
Since this is not the case, I suggested "llnlsilo".
Of course, "llnl-silo" could be chosen, as well.

Anyway, since you are the owner of the ITP bug, you get to choose the
package name, with the constraint that name conflicts must be avoided,

Bye, and thanks again.

 Need some pdebuild hook scripts?
..................................................... Francesco Poli .
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