the issues with upstream (it was unclear who is upstream) are resolved,
marcus wolschon took over the project.

by now, the package is in a state where i consider it ready. leftover
lintian messages are debian-watch-file-is-missing from wishlist (on
purpose, as there is an incorrectly labelled file in sourceforge) and
no-upstream-changelog from pedantic (wel...).

the current version of the package is visolate_2.1.6~svn8-1 as my
patches i'd otherwise ship as debian patches are already included there.
(i'm keeping them in git in the style of git-dpm but struggling with
git-dpm itself, but given that that the patches affect just 4 lines,
that shouldn't be too much of an issue.)

you can find the current .dsc at mentors[1] -- please review the
packaging, and if there are no new issues, i'm looking for someone to
sponsor the upload!


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