On Mon, 10 Jan 2011 21:31:39 +0100, Jonas Smedegaard <d...@jones.dk> wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 10, 2011 at 02:15:17PM -0500, micah anderson wrote:
> >>>> On Mon, Jan 10, 2011 at 12:54:58AM -0500, micah anderson wrote:
> >>>>>Transaction logs are great, if you want to do recovery, but I 
> >>>>>wonder if they are really needed. If I recall, they simply grow, 
> >>>>>until you rotate them, unless you set specific DB_CONFIG flags.
> >Database transaction logs are there in the case of crash, you can do a 
> >restore by replaying the logs.
> >
> >Bitcoin stores inside the *database* the entire history of all bitcoin 
> >operations. The fact that database transaction logs are on just means 
> >that the entire history of all database operations, (which, 
> >incidentally aren't exclusively bitcoin trades between users), is also 
> >written to the transaction logs.
> Ok.  I think I get it now.  Thanks for clarifying.
> I consider adding a shell wrapper looking something like this:
>   set -e
>   umask=077
>   basedir=~/.bitcoin
>   dbfile="$basedir/DB_CONFIG"
>   cfgfile="$basedir/bitcoin.conf"
>   [ -d ~/.bitcoin ] || mkdir ~/.bitcoin
>   [ -e "$dbfile" ] || echo 'set_flags DB_LOG_AUTOREMOVE' > "$dbfile"

the above scares me a little, because someone might have put their own
db config into their DB_CONFIG, and the above would overwrite it,
everytime they start the daemon.

>   [ -e "$cfgfile" ] || perl -le 
> 'print"rpcpassword=",map{(a..z,A..Z,0..9)[rand 62]}0..9' > "$cfgfile"

nice, but again, wont this run each time bitcoind is started, thus
making a new rpcpassword every time?

For fun, I just committed a few things to the collab-maint repository: 
    . examples/bitcoin.conf
    . bitcoind(1) and bitcoin.conf(5) man pages

but I am not so sure what the right way to install the man pages are,
maybe cdbs does it magically? Check it out and please correct it if its


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