Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist

I intend to package development releases of rosegarden4.  They would
initially go to experimental, until the application reaches a more
usable state.

Package:     rosegarden4
Version:     0.1.3, or later
License:     GPL
Needs:       KDE
Description: Rosegarden-4 is a new sequencer and musical notation
 editor application.  This is an early release of the application,
 intended for potential developers and other interested parties.  It
 is not an application that is usable by real users yet.
 Note that Rosegarden-4 is largely not based on Rosegarden-2.1 code
 and is not yet a solution for people who find Rosegarden-2.1 in any
 way unreliable or limiting.  This program is far more unreliable and
 far more limiting.

For the reasons pointed in the description, I won't replace the old
application, although package name changes will probably come in
future, to allow a smooth transition of the plain "rosegarden"
package name; something like:

rosegarden:  Dummy package, depending on rosegarden2, until rosegarden4
             is oficially released.
rosegarden2: The old rosegarden application.
rosegarden4: The new one.

If someone has a better suggestion for this name transition, it would
be really welcome.


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