
On Wed, Mar 23, 2011 at 6:11 PM, Mika Pflüger <deb...@mikapflueger.de> wrote:
> It seems that PAW is upstream dead (last activity on the website was in
> 2006, the last release of PAW was in 2002, the cernlib site states in
> red: 'The development and support for CERNLIB has been discontinued.
> Libraries will be continued to be provided "as is"'), additionally I
> don't see it being GPL-2+ licensed, at least I couldn't find any file
> stating this (I searched in the 2006 tarball obtained from
> http://cernlib.web.cern.ch/cernlib/version.html, maybe there is another
> version?). Additionally, in the tarball are quite a lot of files that
> are definitively not GPL-2+, although they arguably don't belong to PAW.
> An example would be the file
> 2006/src/packlib/fatmen/scripts/unix/ctab_root.dat
> which contains:
> # (C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1989,1991
> # All Rights Reserved
> # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
> #
> # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or
> # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.
> with no further licenses. This doesn't sound like GPL-2+
> Additionally, it seems to be utterly undocumented - I wanted to test if
> PAWs is useful at all nowadays but couldn't figure out how to build it.
> Maybe I missed the right tarball or am just to thick, but to me it
> looks rather unclear if this software is worth the hassle.

These ITPs would be tagged ITA rather than ITP if the CERNLIB-related
packages were not removed from unstable about three weeks ago[1].  The
former maintainer, Kevin B. McCarty, has made them DFSG conformed and
I will follow his work.  We are also planning to fork a free version
of CERNLIB. Thank you.

Mathieu, yes, I will set the Debian Science Team as co-maintainer.

[1] http://lists.debian.org/debian-science/2011/03/msg00009.html

Kind regards,
- Lifeng


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