Hi Michael,

On 03/25/2011 10:19 AM, Michael Hanke wrote:
> I see that your package is already in Debian under the name 'chipw'. The
> cctools that I'm packaging have been around under this name for some 7-8
> years. What do you think about keeping the name 'chipw' for your source
> package?

cctools is not chipw; cctools and chipw are both level editors for the
same game, but are different software.

cctools was initially released in 2003 (see
so it also has an 8-year history :)

That aside, I didn't file a WNPP bug for cctools (that I could recall or
find), and am not currently working on packaging for the same. I don't
have a problem with you taking the source name "cctools", I could use
something like "cctools-editor" for the source package name if needed.

> Regarding the binary package names I don't have a strong opinion. Maybe
> we can both use more verbose names to disambiguate the software better.


Luke Faraone;; Debian & Ubuntu Developer; Sugar Labs, Systems
lfaraone on irc.[freenode,oftc].net -- http://luke.faraone.cc
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