Hi Ludwin,

I was working on this package on friday morning when there wasn't your
ITP (I see it just now).
It's my fault: I had to retitle this RFP before and I had to check if in
the meantime someone is interested to package it also.
Actually, my package is already done but feel free to tell me what do
you prefer. 

Once again, sorry for my mistake.


On Fri, 2011-04-08 at 13:44 -0600, Ludwin Alduvi Hernández Vásquez
> retitle ITP: xul-ext-undo-closed-tabs-button
> owner 591327 !
> thanks
> -- 
> ,           , 
>  /             \  |Ludwin Alduvi Hernández|
> ((__-^^-,-^^-__)) |gpg pub | E19899D4     |
>  `-_---' `---_-'  |www.linuxoriente.edu.sv|
>   `--|o` 'o|--'   |debian | GNU/linux     |
>      \  `  / 
>       ): :( 
>       :o_o: 
>        "-" 
> .

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