
on SGI IRIX systems there is a toolset called "ELF Quickstart".

It includes many smaller tools, but essantially it boils down
to this:

a) a "database" (undocumented textfile) is maintained for 
        shared libs and information about the memory range they

b) every time packages are installed (via inst or swmgr) the
        installer runs "rqsall" at the end

c) rqsall reads the database in and pre relocates the binaries
        against the libs it depends on

d) if there are conflicts, the dynamic runtime linker has to
        do the relocation for this conflict (lib) only

I have a lot of manual pages about that and try to push SGI
to donate this to the Linux community. ;-)

Peter W"achtler           Phone: +49-511-563 549-31
LOEWE Opta GmbH           Fax:   +49-511-563 549-65
Hildesheimer Str. 140     e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
D-30173 Hannover          Web:    http://www.loewe.de

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