Hi Martin,

first of all, thanks for your interested in piwik.

On Wed, 2011-04-20 at 17:52 +0200, Christoph Martin wrote:
> Hi Fabrizio,
> I would like to try you piwik packaging. I just downloaded it from
> svn.debian.org. It also took me some time to find piwik-1.2.tar.gz from
> upstream. I think you should include http://builds.piwik.org/ in your
> watch file. latest.zip in the watch file would not work.

I'm sorry: I've updating the version on git[1]  and not the svn one.
At the moment, I just use git for commit on piwik so I can delete the
svn project now.
In latest version (1.3) there is a d/watch file.

> Did you modify the source tar.gz for your build? The piwik-1.2.tar.gz
> unpacks into a piwik/ directory but your debian/install and patches/
> files want to work directly from the source directory.
> What is the method you build it from svn ?

As I said before, forget svn and (if you want) use git.
For build it, you can use debuild -us -uc -b (without binary) or if you
prefer git-buildpackage

> You said:
> > In the piwik source package there are 2 files released in swf format.
> > If someone know how to compile these files and would be help me with the
> > packaging, feel free to reply to this bug or contact me.
> Which files are you talking of? And why do you think you need to compile
> them?

I'm talking about these files:

 - plugins/UserCountryMap/PiwikMap.swf

 - libs/open-flash-chart/open-flash-chart.swf

 - ./libs/swfobject/expressInstall.swf (not tried to compile yet)

I need to compile them because the swf format (compiled format) can't
stay in 'main' section.
I tried to compile with 'mtasc' without succes.
The developers of piwik told me:

> On Tue, 2011-04-19 at 18:20 -0400, Anthon Pang wrote:
> > I've only tried compiling with mxmlc.  Compiling with mtasc probably
> > won't work -- IIRC it doesn't support ActionScript3 and its parser
> > has some grammar and semantic differences, so isn't 100% source
> > compatible.
> > 
> > The source for PiwikMap.swf is in
> > http://dev.piwik.org/svn/worldmap/trunk/mapRenderer
> > - use either FlashDevelop or the included build.xml and
> > flex-config.xml files to build; requires FlexSDK4
> > 
> > The source for our fork of Open Flash Chart 2 is in
> > http://dev.piwik.org/svn/open-flash-chart/trunk
> > - requires FlashDevelop IDE and (I believe) FlexSDK3

I sent an email to request a review for mentors about leave the package
in the 'non-free' section until a solution is found


> Christoph

[1] http://git.debian.org/?p=collab-maint/piwik.git

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