On Sat, Mar 02, 2002 at 04:05:24AM +0100, Christian Hammers wrote:
> Hello
> On Fri, Mar 01, 2002 at 11:57:18AM +0100, Eric Van Buggenhaut wrote:
> > Package: wnpp
> .. 
> > Package: crafty-books-medium
> ..
> > Description: Medium-size opening books for crafty chess engine.
> >  Opening books that crafty use to evaluate the position during the game.
> >  .
> >  This is the medium version, occupying 13MB and containing +47500 games,
> >  computed until the 60th ply.
> You like to package chess game data for small,small-to-medium,medium and
> large "opening books"? Should this really be part of Debian?
> I guess that although we have some games in our distribution there once was
> a consensus that so large data packages should not be part of the main 
> distribution because we already have 3-4 CDs and this would just bloat it
> and too few people are really interested in it.

crafty-books-small is 500kB
crafty-books-medtosmall is 1MB
crafty-books-medium is 13MB

I don't think these sizes make them too bloated, there are many
packages that are much more than 13MB.

OTOH, crafty-books-large would probably be 100MB large and I certainly
don't want it to be part of the main distribution. I could hang it to
my home page though.

> I would suggest you to package this crafty game and maybe the small variant
> to give a starting point and then point out somewhere that better/larger
> opening books can be downloaded on the internet.

Until now, crafty shipped with a default opening book included. This
wasted bandwidth though because everytime I made a change to the chess
engine, the upload had to be for the whole package. Separating the
opening books from the chess engine make the system more modular and
save bandwidth to all people running woody/sid.


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