On Thu, Mar 07, 2002 at 04:39:55AM +1100, Timshel Knoll wrote:
> I haven't seen an ITP for this around, so if no one else is working on
> it or wants it more than me, I intend packaging libtrash.
> My only hesitation is the legal status of this - libtrash uses a
> LD_PRELOAD trick to intercept calls to unlink () (and other calls such
> as rename(), fopen() et al), and would normally be inserted into
> /etc/ld.so.preload. How does this sit legally if other programs (many of
> which will not be GPL licensed, some of which will be non-free) will be
> using the library through the LD_PRELOAD trick? Does this create a
> license conflict with the GPL? I assume that if the license was LGPL,
> there would be no problem with this ... am I correct to believe this?

At first blush, I'd say there is no possibility of violating the GPL as
long as a given tool doesn't rely, count on, or mandate linkage with a
GPL'ed library, and it is not distributed in a way that does so.

Admittedly, I haven't thought through this in detail, so I could be
wrong, but it seems to me it would be impossible to enforce the GPL
against people who, on their own systems, replace traditionally GPL'ed
interfaces with proprietary ones.

In other words, I could write "Branden's libc" with secret source code
and permit unlimited redistribution of its binaries.  Assuming my libc
doesn't have any external dependencies on GPL'ed software, nobody is
violating any license if he installs my libc to his own system and uses
an LD_PRELOAD trick or even replaces his system's default libc with

There *is* a big problem if somebody takes GPL'ed applications and
statically links it with my proprietary libc (if he's not the copyright
holder); that's just plain forbidden by the license on the app.  There
is also a problem if my libc implements specialized, unique functions
and someone writes an app (or another library) that uses them, and then
GPL's their app.  The copyright holder of that app would have to grant
permission to link against my proprietary libc, because the app only has
any hope of being usable if someone uses my proprietary libc in
conjunction with it.  Alternatively, someone can write a GPL'ed clone of
my functions.

This latter situation is identical in every important detail to the
licensing problems that used to exist with Qt.  There were three
possible solutions to that problem:
        1) Qt could be relicensed in a GPL-compatible way;
        2) The copyright holders of all GPL'ed Qt-using apps could grant
           permission for their code to be used with Qt;
        3) A GPL'ed clone of Qt could be developed.

Eventually, TrollTech AS adopted the first solution (Qt Free Edition is
dual-licensed under the QPL and the GPL).  In the meantime, some people
adopted approach 2, like libapt-pkg, and an abortive attempt at 3 was
made (the Harmony project).

For a more thorough analysis, you should probably ask debian-legal.

G. Branden Robinson                |      The noble soul has reverence for
Debian GNU/Linux                   |      itself.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                 |      -- Friedrich Nietzsche
http://people.debian.org/~branden/ |

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