On Sat, 2002-03-16 at 18:42, Evan Prodromou wrote:
> >>>>> "JL" == Jeff Licquia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>     JL> The basic idea is that debian-sanitize will Conflict: with
>     JL> packages deemed to be offensive.  With this package installed,
>     JL> therefore, offensive packages will not be installed without
>     JL> the admin's explicit consent.
> That's not that nutty an idea.

Someone else made a good point about not putting Conflicts: up for
popular vote.

>     JL> Generating the list of offensive packages is, of course, the
>     JL> hard part.  I propose we do this with the following process.
> I suggest that you keep it much simpler. What about just letting
> people file bugs against debian-sanitize if they find content in a
> package to be insulting? Then the maintainer (you) evaluates, uses
> some good judgement, and either adds a Conflicts: line or doesn't.

>From reading this thread, I'm sure the Project wouldn't be interested in
signing off on my particular set of prejudices as "the Debian
Conscience" (or anyone else's, for that matter).

> If somebody doesn't like your judgement, they can always uninstall
> debian-sanitize. Badda bing, badda boom.

Except that, given this package's purpose, I'm sure any disagreement
with its content would start all kinds of flamewars, General
Resolutions, and the like, which is the opposite of what I'm trying to

At least, if you can vote, you feel you have some power over the
situation, instead of having to beg to some Grand Poobah of Proper Piety
or try to get the Poobah kicked off his throne.

If anyone should have special privilege in determining this package's
contents, it should be an elected official such as the DPL.

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