Hi Martin

On Sat, 2011-07-30 at 18:08 +0200, martin f krafft wrote:
> Dear Java team,
> we are currently investigating the possibility of using
> jenkins.debian.net to support building packages directly out of VCS.

Sounds interesting - let me know if I can help out in anyway.

> James Page of Canonical has already put a lot of effort into
> packaging jenkins in accordance with Debian policy.
> Currently he seems to be waiting for some support from the side of
> Debian to resolve outstanding issues and sponsor the package upload
> into the Debian archive.

The majority of the package-set to support Jenkins has now been accepted
into Ubuntu (the last 7 are in the NEW queue for Oneiric ATM).  I have
been feeding these back to Debian when I get the time (I have about 19
remaining); Tony Mancill and Damien Raude-Morvan have been reviewing and
sponsoring my packaging as its produced and to-date have outpaced my
ability to submit requests for sponsorship - so as far as I'm concerned
I've got the support I need ATM.



James Page
Software Engineer, Ubuntu Server Team

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