On 09:43 08/30/11, Miguel Landaeta wrote:
> On Tue, Aug 30, 2011 at 09:40:35AM +0200, Xavier Oswald wrote:
> > Sorry for replying late, I was in vacation.
> Don't worry.
> > You can find the current package in the java team git.
> > 
> > I don't know if you want to help packaging openid4java.
> > Maybe you could join the java team and update it directly in the git.
> > Or you can just clone it and give me the patch I can apply.
> Great. I'm a debian-java member too.
> I'll check it during the week or in the weekend.
> > I have some plan to improve openid4java packaging during this next month.
> If the reason why the package was rejected is fixed, are you
> willing to try to upload it soon, or will you wait until the
> packaging is improved?

I didn't fix it right now.
If you have a quick patch and need a sponsor, feel free to ask me.
If you want the Reject reason, I can forward it to you.

Otherwise if it is not that urgent I will work on it next month..

Xavier Oswald <xosw...@debian.org>
GNU/Linux Debian Developer - http://www.debian.org/
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