On Wed, Nov 09, 2011 at 11:18:18AM +0100, Mathias Ertl wrote:
> Hi,
> I did send you an email a few days ago and haven't received a reply so far. 
> Do you still intend to package php-pecl-http (Debian bug #606117). If you 
> need 
> help, I have no problem with co-maintaining it or simply contributing to your 
> git-repository. If you no longer intend to package the repository, I could 
> also take over the bug.
> Please let me know if you intend to package it yourself, need help or if its 
> OK for me to take over the bug.


Yes, I saw your e-mail from a few days ago and I also saw the discussion
on the mentors list.  I apologize for my silence - for the past couple
of months, my Internet access has been a bit spotty and I do not read or
reply to e-mail every day.

I will in fact complete the pecl-http Debian packaging, and I will
probably do it in the next couple of days; already you can see some
changes in the Gitorious repository :)  Thanks for the offer to help,
but I think that from here on the main things that are left are pretty
much trivial imports of new upstream versions and a couple of cleanups
to the Debian packaging that I'm very much used to doing for the rest of
my Debian packages.

Once again, apologies for my silence and for sitting on this ITP for so
long, and thanks a lot for your offer to help!


Peter Pentchev  r...@ringlet.net r...@freebsd.org pe...@packetscale.com
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