The main value added is to automaticaly highlight the stats and sort the
process lists. For exemple, if a memory warning is detected, the process
list is sorted by memory consumption (idem for CPU). For me, only 'atop'
(available in the Debian repos) can display both CPU, load, memory and
network interface in the same console.


Avant donc que d'écrire, apprenez à penser.
-+- Nicolas Boileau, Art poétique -+-

2012/1/9 Adam D. Barratt <>

> On Fri, 2012-01-06 at 16:25 +0100, Nicolargo wrote:
> > Glances is a CLI curses based monitoring tool for GNU/Linux or BSD OS.
> > Glances uses the libstatgrab library to get information from your system.
> > It is developed in Python and uses the python-statgrab lib.
> > You can have a look on CPU, LOAD, MEMORY, NETWORK INTERFACE, DISK IO and
> What does "Glances" do that's different / better than any of the other
> system resource monitors already in Debian?
> Regards,
> Adam

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