
I would like to update this ITP:

 * I'm no longer using martinez.faneyth [at] gmail.com. From now on i
will use luis [at] huntingbears.com.ve for all my Debian contributions.
(is there an easy way of changing this bug's owner?).

 * The application has received the following improvements:
        - Fixed SQL Injection vulnerability.
        - Prevented direct loading of libraries.
        - Included documentation.
        - Automated maintainer tasks through Makefile.

 * The Debian packaging has the following properties:
        - Automatic configuration of database through dbconfig-common.
        - Automatic configuration of webservers (apache, lighttpd).
        - Debconf interface for filling in Aguilas configuration.
        - English and Spanish l10n for debconf templates (for now).

 * I already packaged aguilas and is waiting for a sponsor [1].

 * Since upstream changed, the version that i filled in for the ITP
(1.0.0) is no longer the same i packaged (1.0.1-1), so (i guess) this
ticket won't close with this upload .



On 05/01/12 21:48, Martin Bagge / brother wrote:
> On Thu, 5 Jan 2012, Luis Alejandro Martínez Faneyth wrote:
>> After i correct all this issues, should i fill in another ITP?
> No. Update the current one.

Luis Alejandro Martínez Faneyth
Blog: http://www.huntingbears.com.ve/
Twitter/Identi.ca: @LuisAlejandro
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