Dear David,

I packaged MySQL Workbench: hopefully if it is done properly this time it 
might be ready for upload.

With this work I wish to help bringing MySQL Workbench to Debian.
Please get the source package from

Sponsorship would be much appreciated.

(Please excuse me for not using - due to changes in dfsg-
repackaged source archive I can't upload this version anymore)

I'm well aware that ITP is not mine, but given the circumstances
and certain lack of activity/effort I think it may be appropriate.
(Anyone motivated to co-maintain this package is welcome.)

Packaging is pretty much done from scratch as I didn't use anything from 
previous attempts.

Also please note that I'm not affiliated with pkg-mysql team yet, even though 
I put their address to maintainer field. Perhaps the package would be the best 
in their custody...

Thank you.


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