Hi all,

On Sa 07 Apr 2012 17:51:28 CEST Yaroslav Halchenko wrote:

On Sat, 07 Apr 2012, Joachim Falk wrote:
> I have look at the package more closely and several thing come to my
> mind...

>  1. Do we need a package upload sponsor? I have one
>     (p...@debian.org, Debian Edu)
Ola, I guess you still have the contacts for Debian proper?

or just me (if time permits to be the first ;) )

>  7. We really should make the package build-able with git-buildpackage
>     (using pristine-tar and source format ,,3.0 (quilt)'').
I am not sure how customizable git-buildpackage is. We really have two
upstreams the tigervnc stuff and the xorg debian packages.

just craft get-orig-sources rule for debian/rules which would create the
target .tar.gz (or actually multiple ones, e.g. .orig.tar.gz and
.xorg.tar.gz  since 3.0 (quilt) supports it; but afaik git-buildpackage
doesn't natively support multiple source tarballs yet... although I
recall using it somehow...).  Then you just pristine-tar that beast

I am currently working on the get-orig-sources stanza to obtain proper orig.tar.gz files for TigerVNC and Xorg. These orig tarballs I will then pristine-tar and import to an upstream branch in our pkg-tigervnc.git project.

This part will then be able to replace fetch-subprojects.sh.



mike gabriel, dorfstr. 27, 24245 barmissen
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