Replying to two mails in one.

On Wed 03 Oct 2012 18:19:53 Daniel Skinner escribió:
> Hi Lisandro,
> Reading through the Teams wiki on debian, this is what I gathered
> * Making a commitment to answer questions and/or be available at least once
> a week

Not really true for all the teams, but desirable indeed.

> * Teams manage internal infrastructure such as wikis, faqs, etc, and a
> public facing irc support channel. Being a part of a team would likely have
> the expectation to assist with such things.

Indeed, but you are not obliged to.

> * Teams have leaders and that leader would likely ask you to do something
> at some point. 

Not true. May happen in some teams, clearly not in ours. We *try* to decide as 
a team, although the team is quite calm nowadays...

> Going back to the first point, being a part of that team
> means a prompt reply, beit a yes or a no.

Not necessary, but desirable. See below ;-)

> Let me know if I missed anything there, and I'd have no problem with any of
> that if I maintained ktouchpadenabler under the kde extras team. Working
> along side others could only expedite the learning process on my end :)

Totally true and welcomed! :-) You will need to become part of the team in 
alioth. See , crceate an accaount 
on alioth and request to join. I'll process it later.

> On Wed, Oct 3, 2012 at 3:41 PM, Daniel Skinner <> wrote:
> >> There is only one thing missing, and I'm the one to blame. As Sune
> >> (svuorela)
> >> suggested you to package this software which is KDE-related but optional
> >> for
> >> KDE itself: would you like to maintain it under the pkg-kde-extras
> >> team's umbrella?
> > 
> > I dont really know what this means.

The pkg-kde team is subdivided in two main parts (as mildly explained in [0])

[0] <>

- The Qt/KDE team maintains all the official KDE modules. Development related 
discussion happens mainly in IRC or on the mailing list. 

- The KDE Extras team maintains KDE applications that are not part of the KDE 
software collection.

> >> Furthermore:
> >> 
> >> - Do you know what teams are for inside Debian?
> > 
> > Not even vaguely, but I wanted to build the plugins for pkg sndobj and
> > figured I would get with the maintainer, or as a last resort,
> > pkg-multimedia-maintainers team. Beyond that, not sure.

Good guess. As you can also guess it, every team has it's own politics wrt 
packaging, repos, etc. Most of them follow some simple rules.

- Every package has the team in the Maintainers tag, and the people really 
careing for the package in Uploaders (don't get confused by the names, you can 
be in Uploaders even if you don't have upload permissions. That tag should be 
changed some day).

- If someday the people in Uploaders are not available and a package needs an 
update/fix/whatever, some other people from the team may change it and upload 
it. Of course, you always try to dialoge with the original maintainers first 

This last point varies wrt the (sub)team. For example, normally people who has 
showed some technical capabilities and allowed once can push stuff to the 
Qt/KDE repos, but on extras you normally ask for permission first.

> >> - Do you know what are the consequencies of team-maintaince?
> > 
> > No clue, maybe living up to the expectations of others?

Please *no*. That will mean making Debian not fun (although sometimes that 
happens :-( ). It means that we try to work for the same goal together. 
Sometimes we succeeed, sometimes... not :-(

> >> - Do you know what is the pkg-krap maintainance team?
> > 
> > I could only guess and all my guesses sound funny :p

Cooooorrect! Krap stuff are packages we need to maintain because some stuff on 
KDE depends on it, and that's the only reason we are interested in those 
packages. In other words, if someone wants to maintain them (as it happened 
with eigen2 and eigen3), we will happily hand it over (provided that we think 
that the prospect maintainer has enough abilities and willingness to do so).

OK, here are the next stpes:

- dput the package now using the extra's team as Maintainer and you as 
Uploader. I'll leave you to find out what's the correct text to use for the 
Maintainer field :)

- Create an account on alioth, ask to koin the kde team.

- Do you know git? If so, are you maintaining the package in a git repo? With 
a certain workflow? (I'm expecting some answers here, I'll later continue this 
topic :) )

Kind sregards, Lisandro.

Q. How did the programmer die in the shower?
A. He read the shampoo bottle instructions: Lather. Rinse. Repeat.

Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer

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